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Stroke: What is it? Plus: Stroke Risk Factors, Stroke Symptoms and Stroke Treatment.

Posted by James on 04/30/2017 | Comment

What is a Stroke?

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the part of the brain is suddenly interrupted (ischemic) or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts, spilling blood into the spaces surrounding the brain cells (hemorrhagic). The symptoms of stroke are easy to spot: sudden numbness …Read More

High Blood Pressure Guidelines

Posted by James on 04/30/2017 | Comment

New High Blood Pressure Guidelines

In May of 2003, The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) released new clinical practice guidelines for the prevention, detection, and treatment of high blood pressure. The g …Read More

High Blood Pressure: Tips for Keeping It Under Control

Posted by James on 04/30/2017 | Comment

You can have high blood pressure (HBP) and still feel just fine. That’s because HBP does not cause symptoms. But, HBP (sometimes called hypertension) is a major health problem. If not treated, it can lead to stroke, heart disease, kidney failure, and other health problems. The good news is that there are ways you can prevent …Read More

Huntington’s Disease: An Efficacy Study of High Dose CoQ10 Formulations

Posted by James on 04/30/2017 | Comment

Huntington’s Disease, (HD), is a genetic brain, (neurological), disease that affects both mind and body. Huntington’s Disease is characterized by an inability to control movements and an intellectual decline. The onset of …Read More

Can you reduce the risk of diabetes with low fat dairy foods?

Posted by James on 04/30/2017 | Comment

Low-fat dairy foods may help reduce risk of type 2 diabetes

Study finds men who consume more dairy products have lower incidence of diabetes

BOSTON – May 9, 2005 – The consumption of low-fat dairy foods may reduce men's risk of developing type …Read More

CoQ10 as a Migraine Preventive

Posted by James on 04/30/2017 | Comment

A recent three month open label trial of some 30 subjects with a history of episodic migraine headaches (with or without aura), resulted in the conclusion that coenzyme Q10 appeared to be a good migraine preventive. 31 of 32 patients completed the study and 61.3% of the patients had &lt …Read More

Mitochondrial Disease and Mitochondrial Myopathies: what are they?

Posted by James on 04/30/2017 | Comment

What is a Mitochondrial Disease?

Imagine a major city with half its power plants shut down. At best, such conditions would produce a “brown out” with large sections of the city working far below optimum efficiency. Now imagine your body working with one-half of its energy producing facilit …Read More

Mitral-Valve Prolapse… what is it?

Posted by James on 04/30/2017 | Comment

The mitral valve is the heart valve between the left atrium and left ventricle. It has two flaps, called leaflets or cusps, which open and close when the heart contracts (beats) and rests.

Mitral-valve prolapse (MVP) is frequently diagnosed in healthy people and is, for the most part, harmless. Most people suffer no sympto …Read More

CoQ10 and acute myocardial infarction

Posted by James on 04/30/2017 | Comment

The effects of oral treatment with coenzyme Q10 (120 mg per day) were compared for 28 days in a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial of coenzyme Q10 in patients with acute myocardial infarction.

The trial consisted of a total of 144 patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). 73 of the 144 patients were p …Read More

Osteoporosis. Who gets it and what to do about it.

Posted by James on 04/30/2017 | Comment

Osteoporosis is a disease that thins and weakens bones to the point where they break easily—especially bones in the hip, spine (backbone), and wrist.

You can lose bone over many years. Because you may not notice any symptoms until a bone breaks, osteoporosis is called the “silent disease.”

Bone is living tissue. Special c …Read More