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Heart Attack Warning Signs for Men and Women

Posted by James on 04/30/2017 | Comment

Men and Women can experience similar but also very different warning signs,
(symptoms) when a heart attack strikes.

Warning Signs for Men:
* Shortness of breath
* Chest discomfort
* Upper body discomfort

Warning Signs for Women:
* Shortness of breath
* Chest discomfort
* Unusual fatigue
* Sleep disturbance
* Indigestion
* Anxiety
* Cold sweat
* Dizziness

A heart attack is a frightening event, and you probably don't want to think about it. But, if you learn the signs of a heart attack and what steps to take, you can save a life — maybe your own. For both men and women, these warning signs can occur well before the actual heart attack. Don't just assume that being short of breath is normal, (remember the experience of President Bill Clinton!). Being short of breath may be an accurate sign of trouble ahead. See your doctor to be sure.